Reply To: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine Reply To: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine


“Considering that matzah’s were hand-made for the approximately 3,500 years from Yetzias Metzrayim until the 19th Century CE, it would be foolish to assert that it is better than hand-made matzah’s, as such a claim would effectively mean that the kashrus was lacking in the matzah’s of Am Yisroel in the 3 millennium leading up to the invention of the machine. “

Considering that Am Yisroel drank unfiltered water for the approximately 3,500 years from Yetzias Mitrayim until the 21st Century CE, it would be foolish to assert that filtered water is better than unfiltered water, as such a claim would effectively mean that the kashrus was lacking in the drinking water of Am Yisrael in the 3.5 millenium leading up to the “discovery” of copepods.

“Why are so many gedolim and yidden willing to pay $30 a pound for hand-made, instead of $5 a pound for machine-made? “

Maybe because it tastes better?