Reply To: Portable Matza Oven

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Portable Matza Oven Reply To: Portable Matza Oven


If you bake matza on erev Pesach, your main problem is not the oven, it is the leftovers and everything. You have to get rid of all the wet flour residues, as well as any doubtful that you think are in the oven already but might not be going to cook properly, well before the 18th minute; and “getting rid” in our house (not in a matzo bakery) must be carefully thought out and arranged, also it does take some time. I don’t know how many people are working on it – this is a very important variable. I would advise to practice before Pesach baking matza with the oven or appliance you plan to use. Of course, the hotter the better.