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@jbaldy “it has always been designed to be limited to ur social circle and that is where it provides the greatest advantage.

You clearly don’t understand what Facebook really is or its business model if you think it’s about limited social circle. I leave it up to the readers to decide who’s right, it’s that ludicrous. (Hint: Look up why Google Plus concentrated on the Circles paradigm as a differentiator from FB.)

If they do decide to charge for messages after the limited trial (unlikely in my opinion, although LinkedIn have this model), this is either as a spam-prevention or to encourage people friend more people, not less!

I didn’t advocate IM, nor do I label it as a kosher option. Please re-read.

I know it’s useful, and very convenient (and yes, probably addictive) but there’s no way it’s ok for a chareidi Jew no matter which way you look at it. It’s raison d’etre is encouraging social behviour that go against all our principles. There will always be individual exceptions who have very particular needs and know how to use it in an incredibly limited fashion but that (at the risk of repeating myself) is entirely besides the point.