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Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Side Dishes (Pareve) Homemade Chummus Reply To: Homemade Chummus


I started to get supplies to make it for Pesah. I love chumus on matzah as a break from TempTee on matzah.

My recipe is as follows:

Dry chick peas, soaked overnight and drained, then boiled in water (don’t salt the water- it will make them tough) with an onion to flavor

KFP Techina (usually a Rabbanut hechsher from E”Y)

Fresh Lemon Juice

Zest from the Lemon

Salt and Pepper to taste the finished product

Lots of fresh chopped garlic

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little water from boiling the garbanzos to thin the mixture out

Ground Cumin (I use Pereg for Pesah)

Fresh Parsley (to garnish)

We serve ours along with garnishes at the seuda- fried onion, a variety of olives, roasted red peppers, and when it isn’t Pesah- chipotles in adobo sauce and capers (can’t get those KFP).