Reply To: Is Quinoa Considered Chometz?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Is Quinoa Considered Chometz? Reply To: Is Quinoa Considered Chometz?


This is an observation of fact, not a halachic opinion. All kitniyos are seeds (as are the five species that can become chametz). Potatoes are not seeds. Therefore, it’s quite a stretch to declare potatoes assur. I don’t much doubt that there have been attempts to declare it assur since there are all sorts of crazy chumros out there.

truthsharer, are you saying that maize is kitniyos only because it’s called corn is some places? If so, why is it kitniyos in places where it’s called maize? And why are peanuts considered kitniyos? Does “pea” trump “nut?” What about places where they’re called “groundnuts”?