Reply To: Pinworms and Parasites 5 year old

Home Forums Health & Fitness Pinworms and Parasites 5 year old Reply To: Pinworms and Parasites 5 year old


crselection -“My five year old son has pinworms Dr. gave Pin-x and albenza and still didn’t help. If you know how to get rid of pinworms please post. Thanks for your help!!”

“yentingyenta -Our pediatrician prescribes Vermox for pinworms

I work in a peds doc office and called in a prescription for vermox last week. News to me they don’t have it”

Stop with the silly bickering whether Vermox or Albenza. For s/o who claims to be a nurse and working in a Doc’s office should know they might Not be the same drug, but they are the same class and one is Not better than the other.

CRS -the reason it’s hard to get rid of pinworms is simply because of mouth to backside cycle. The kid scratches and picks up more eggs and eats them. My ex-wife used to put on gloves and pull out the worms at nite, but you don’t need to do that. The meds Vermox or Albenza kills the worm, but this doesn’t solve the prob.

You must keep the kid’s nails very short and try to cover the hands at nite. Wash your kid’s hands and the backside with soap often. Put a glob of vaseline on the backside, esp. at nite. This diminishes the itching and makes it unlikely for the kid to pick up more eggs. You’ll still need to take the Meds to kill the worms as long as you have the actual worms.