Reply To: Perek Shira Segulah

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just my hapence

Purple – I’ve held myself back from commenting on this thread for a while, but I really can’t any more. Firstly, segulos in general need to be treated with great care – they need proper mekoros miyomim yomimo, not simply brochures from tzedaka organisations. Perek shira, according to Rav Elyahiv, does not have a mekor outside of its own introduction. Secondly, they need to be used in the correct way and most definitely NOT as a quick-fix to Any Given Problem. They also need to be recognized as not being foolproof and that, regardless of how many times you go somewhere or say something, ultimately it is HKB’H who runs the world. If not there are serious problems of issurim d’oraysa (see R’ Yaakov Hillel’s Tomim Tihyeh for further details). Unfortunately there seems to be a trend nowadays of pulling segulos out from hats, the more irrational and illogical the better. They’ve also been commercialised, appropriated by tzedaka organisations who claim to hold the sole key to the gate of yeshuos, openable by them for a small fee.

I can tell you from experience that there is only one truly foolproof segula and that is tefilla. Pure and simple. Doesn’t matter where or for how many days. I did shir hashirim for 40 days, I did perek shira for 40 days, I did the Kosel for 40 days, I did all three together. I tried Iggeres HaRamban (wherein he is mavtiach that one who says it HKB’H will be ‘mekayem mish’alos libo’ that very day). And guess what? H’ said “not yet”. Nearly 3 years later I realised why when I met my wife who is a few years younger than me. Because HKB’H knows what He’s doing, and to quote 2 nice Jewish boys from New York: “G-d only knows, G-d has his plan and the destination is not revealed to the mortal man.”

As far as brochos go (and I didn’t know Gedolim’s daughters were in the business now too…), they’re also not actual havtochos. I’m not sure why R’ Chaim Kanievsky’s daughter would be more efficacious than R’ Chaim himself, who gave me a brocho that I would get engaged during a certain year; I didn’t. Brochos are not guarantees so please don’t get so excited so soon.

As far as your reasons for wanting your sister to get married, I hate to say it but they are really rather superficial, immature and actually a bit selfish. You want a nice wedding to go to, but marriage is what happens after the chasuna and entails what we in the trade call “real-life”. You want a brother-in-law – what for?! You want nieces and nephews, which is all very nice but you won’t be the one raising these children. You admit that your sister is still young, so maybe give her time. Maybe she isn’t quite ready just yet.

Sof kol sof, your sister is young. She isn’t on the shelf. There is no reason for you to be so desperate. No reason to try every segula in the brochure. If you want to see her happy, just daven. And if it doesn’t happen in the time-frame you think it should, don’t worry – maybe, just maybe, HKB’H knows something you don’t.