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mrs. Katz

In terms of cousins marrying, what do you guys say to the following.

The oldest daughter of the tchernobler rebbe of benei berak, r’ nochum twersky, is married to his younger brother – i.e. her uncle. His second daughter is married to his nephew, i.e. her first cousin. These two sisters were then meshadech!!!! The chosson and kallah were first cousins, as were three of the parents!!!

The daughter of the imrei chayim of vitznitz, brocho z”l, was married to R’ moishe ernster. Their son, r’ mendel, married a daughter of the yeshuois moishe – his first cousin, while his son married a daughter of r’ yisroel – the present vizhnitzer rebbe. R’ yisroel was also meshadech with another bil, and a uncle!!!