Reply To: Who Is Really On Welfare? Basic Hashkafa!

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Who Is Really On Welfare? Basic Hashkafa! Reply To: Who Is Really On Welfare? Basic Hashkafa!

y me

This is a horrible argument! The arangement between R’ Yitzchok Elchonon & his father-in-law was agreed upon by both of them. This is not the case with the chareidi and non-chareidi people in Israel. If it’s forced upon someone to support you, that’s gezel and only serves to drive true chilonim further away from yiddishkeit.

On a 2nd note, you make the common and untrue assumption that the chareidim are the exclusive group of Jews learning Torah in E’Y. Not only is that not true, it’s a hauty remark that also only drives true chilonim away from yiddishkeit.

The reason I say “true chilonim” is because there a lots of Jews in E’Y who are religious to different levels than you and you’d classify them as “chilonim” based on looking at them. Meanwhile, some of them learn Torah to a very impressive degree. I know it sounds weird & you may not believe it but don’t be so quick to judge them – that’s one of the things you should have learned in all of your precious Torah learning! The actual number of true chilonim are not that many (significantly less than half of the population according to most polls). And, the ones who are actually ANTI-religious are a small fraction of the people. You would think that there are many more anti-religious here based on their ability to be quite vocal and because many chareidi people claim that almost everyone other than chareidim are anti-Torah. Bottom line: many of the Jews here just aren’t religious yet and that’s sad – let’s stop the self-hating comments and be mekarev them instead of pushing them away further!