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JayMatt19 -“Why didn’t they make an announcement in BMG for all to go? As mentioned, there are only 40 people there at the protest? Why? They should have easily been able to get more, all they had to do was ask.
Probably cause they didn’t want to ask and they didn’t want more. And this was about marriage and was about NJ, not EY”
Since when does BMG represent Klal Yisroel in NJ? They are a Yeshiva. Also, this Yeshiva is very much into politics – so they aren’t going to make political protests that aren’t PC. They don’t feel the backlash will be worth it for them.
“You are welcome to have the final word, but like I told another poster, do not read anything into my silence”
Just like you don’t want to have anyone read into your silence, why are you reading into BMG’s silence?
“your proofs are thin at best. I don’t argue for the sake of arguing, I made my point and I anticipated the replies that got. I stand by my point.”
You can stand by your points all you want, but don’t just say my “proofs are thin at best”, bring some proof to your statements.
Or do you just want e/o here to take your word for it?
“Cheshbon hanefesh means bettering ones self, looking at ones own behavior and trying to better it. Blaming others is not going to help klal yisorel.”
Again this wasn’t just about blaming others. This was about what Yidden did Not do about the Toeiva agenda.
“Did you protest the marriage laws in Europe? Are they not part of the world too?”
Obviously, Hashem doesn’t consider it a Taana on us if we aren’t even in the same Country. Not only was this in our Country, these laws were passed in the States we reside in. And btw, not all of Europe is Pro-toeiva, Russia is passing more laws against them.
“Also, We had to do many things to show hashem we are worthy of becoming his nation. To train ourselves that the fear is in hashem, and that hashem can protect us
“when the angel of destruction goes out” last I checked, we say in the haggada that hashem did that makka himself. Perhaps your hagadda says differently”
The fact that Hashem did it directly as opposed to using a Malach or a messenger is irrevelant. Everything ultimately comes from Hashem – so this danger of being destroyed because of others applies whether Hashem does the destructiom himself or uses a Malach. This is his policy. So Hashem can include Jews amongst the victims of a hurricaine, even if they weren’t the reason of the Gezeirah.
“This will be the final time I reply to you here, or any other post until for the foreseeable future.”
This certainly is your prerogative; I have no problem with this!