Reply To: How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families? Reply To: How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families?

y me

akuperma – your claim that “Everyone is confusing standard benefits that Israel pays all resident citizens” with the benefits for kollel people specifically is not true. The fact is that the chareidi people get money from lots of sources, not just the stipends. The idea of giving tax breaks and welfare to the poor is based on the idea that poor people are working hard to earn more money and need a temporar break to get back on their feet. The idea is NOT supposed to be that they just live off of those perksm claiming that anyone can do it if they want to.

EY Mom says that the chilonim also have the choice to have the same number of children and live that lifestyle – but that’s not right! Anyone who chooses to do these things is just living off of tax and tzedaka money. Who gives them the right to choose to do that? You’re taking advantage of someone else’s goodwill when we create a safety net for poor people. The problem is that people choose to go a certain route in life that is more than likely to result in poverty. They then complain that they need money in handouts and can’t afford to pay taxes… but YOU created this situation! Choose NOT to do that! You’re diverting funds that should be available to the poor and disabled (not by their choice).