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Tzaddiq: I realize that my experience does not make it a “trend” however if you are objective you will admit it was NOT an isolated incident. I found this article from the Montreal Gazette. The comment by Rabbi Steinmetz about shrugging off minor incidents is very similar to what I wrote about becoming oblivious. Although he’s saying Jews in general, I’d postulate that it’s more true in some places than others, and he was discussing Montreal.
Sorry, copy paste did a bad job here. Hope you guys will manage…
The attacks of vandalism this weekend on five Jewish institutions in Montreal are a disgrace. It is outrageousthata communityin this city cannotgo about its normal life without having to be worried thatitmight at any time be the object ofa gratuitous, hateful and violentattack.
Montrealers should notshrug this incident off,however. Itwas a co-ordinated, planned attack. We do notwantto be a place where vandals feel they can attack the institutional existence of fellow citizens with impunity, for somekind oftwisted thrill or political posturing.
In 2007, the Ben Wieder Jewish community centre was firebombed, and a few months earlier, theSkver-ToldosOrthodox Jewish Boys School.Two men were convicted in the attacks ; onewas sentenced to sevenyears in prison,theotherto four. Police found letters in which themen claimed to beacting on behalf of Islamic Jihad.
These convictions are a positivesign in an otherwise bleak picture. But the fact remains that these acts are far toocommon.Itis shamefulthattherearethose who would carry outsuch acts against other Montrealers, people with whom they share not only a civicspace,buta life. What they do not share, tragically, are values of freedom and toleranceand respect.
Read more : http://www.montrealgazette.com/news…”
I realize this article is two years old. But you’re not saying things have gotten better, but that they were always great. Rose colored glasses are not always preferable…