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Okay, I need to ask this – is everyone here for real? Even those who believe that an elite few top learners should learn, and the rest should go to the army, would not refute the fact that some of the GREATEST Talmidei Chachomim and learners and Da’as Torah are Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Shteinman, Rav Auerbach, etc. – and every single one of them is saying that we have to fight this tooth and nail. So while I do not understand every aspect of why (and the chillul Hashem question, which would be a valid one if we did not have Da’as Torah), if the few holy people we have left who DO KNOW kol haTorah kulah or as close to it as anyone in our generation will get – who have true Da’as Torah – say it’s wrong – then no matter what we are chayav to listen to them – they are our mesorah! Just as we are chayav to be mekabel the Torah, and the Torah was given from Moshe Rabbeinu to Yehoshua to the Zekeinim etc etc – our Gedolim are the voice of Hashem and His Torah in our generation, and we are chayav to do naaseh v’nishmah!

So while I am just as guilty of this, and am “mussar”ing myself as well with this statement – why are we wasting our limited moments in this world debating back and forth with our limited understanding of Torah or what “should” be done, when we could be filling our time with Torah learning, Tefillah, Mitzvos (eating can also be a Mitzvah with the right kavannos, as can talking with kids, one’s wife/husband etc etc – it’s all in how we do it and if we’re trying to get closer to Hashem with each thing we do) – talking (typing?) is just the yetzer hara’s way -in a “kosher venue” – to try to get us all to lose all our time that we could be building ourselves and others around us….

Said my piece, would appreciate not getting bashed (though hopefully will not see it anyway) – am now going to go “fight the battle” (pun intended) by trying to live up to it! 🙂