Reply To: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Many yeshivas are against Art Scroll Gemorah because they are New

No, that’s NOT why they’re against it.

He and many others do not like blogs that critize, some critisim is unwarranted but some isnt. Criticism for the sake of critism is bad. But Constructive Critism could be a good thing

The vast majority violate the halachos of lashon hora. But I think you’re right that it’s a major issue with the internet, and one that is actually openly addressed, not obfuscated as you erroneously suggest. See my next post, from the brochure.

And shmutz really is a very big issue, because aside from the fact that it’s more common than you’d like to admit, it’s really, horribly, terribly bad for your neshama, even if only viewed a little bit.