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@DY @Icanonlytry Rav Rottenberg from Baltimore who is a talmid muvhak of Rav Moshe held that it was muttar if you did not intend to buy it. (Although I have heard from another talmid Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen that it is absolutely assur although he declined to explain why.) Rav Belsky does not hold it is gneiva or gzeilah. This is evident from the various heteirim that he has in this area – A) Rav Belsky holds that if a newer version of the software is out u can copy the older one B) you can make multiple copies for use at home or in the car even though the moicher wants you to buy 2 C) When asked what he holds of the svara of not intending to buy it he answered that if you enjoyed listening to it you would have bought it. These are all consistent with maasig gvul and NOT genaivah.