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15 Hurt In Evacuation Of Chevron Homes

At least 15 people were hurt Tuesday morning as Israeli security forces evacuated more than 200 protesters from the wholesale market in the city of Chevron – and police took four protesters into custody.

Hundreds had barricaded themselves in three apartments, and had encircled the market with barbed wire, oil drums, and burning tires. Protesters had also locked and welded shut the doors to the apartments.

Dozens of teenagers, some of them wearing masks, threw rocks, eggs, and light bulbs at security forces. Large numbers of police ascended the roofs.

The IDF hired a moving company, and soldiers loaded the evacuated families’ possessions onto the trucks. In addition, police removed windows and doorposts from the apartments, in order to prevent a possible attempt by settlers to return in the future.

The Hebron Jewish committee reiterated Tuesday that it intends to return Jewish settlers to the market, when possible.

Meanwhile, 12 Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the Duchifat Battalion refused orders to take part in the evacuation, in the most wide-scale military refusal since the disengagement from Gaza two years ago. They were brought before a disciplinary hearing last night, on the orders of GOC Central Command Gadi Shamni.

Shamni also decided the soldiers will no longer be allowed to serve in combat units.”This is a phenomenon that endangers the basis on which the IDF operates, as an army of the people in a democratic country, and its obligation to carry out the tasks assigned to it,” Shamni said.

(Complete story on Haaretz)

3 Responses

  1. יהודי לא מגרש יהודי
    Kol HaKavod to the 12 soldiers who refused to take part in the wicked and repulsive actions of the Zionists against other Jews.
    It is a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. Hashem will surely pay them back their due reward.
    I remember reading somewhere that by the evacuation of Gush Katif some of the soldiers that refused to take part, became full Baalei Tshuva as a result.

  2. These homes belong to Jews, just check the contracts and deeds of sale. Next, we will expell the avos and imahoes from thier burial place since it might BOLSTER the moderate killer, Abbas.

  3. Dvorah this can not compare to shidduchim, smoking and bein hazamanim, these are only ‘settlers’ who love E”Y.

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