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Mammele – I wouldn’t even attempt percentages without knowing what the medical prob of the mother is. Maybe her problem isn’t even genetic. That’s why I think this whole topic and speculation is ridiculous.

But just for the fun of it, because I haven’t done Mendelian genetics in a long time. E/o should know this from high school. Let’s say the mother has a genetic defect on her recessive gene -what is the chance to pass it on to her kids?

We will represent the mother with Bb and the defect could just be on the small b or the mother might need two recessive genes for this disorder to affect her and she would be bb and the father Aa, So the combinations that are possible are this if the mother is Bb: AB, Ab, aB & ab. This would be a 50% chance that kid could come down with the infertile problem. If the mother is bb then the combinations are: Ab, Ab, ab, ab. In this situation there is 0% chance that the kid will have any problems. But to know whether this is 100% accurate you’d actually have to test the father whether he has the recessive gene of the mother that carries her medical problem. I assumed he didn’t and therefore classified him as Aa instead of Ab.

Now back to real medicine:

1 year without conception is Infertile.

Rates in the general pop. of women who are infertile:

20 -24 years: 7%

25 -29: 9%

30 -35: 15%

35 -40: 22%

40 -44: 29%

Don’t ask me to combine the bottom with the top, because the top is just fun based on speculation.