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3.jpgHatzolah Israel has just confirmed to Yeshivaworld the devastating news of the tragic death of four Yeshiva Bochrim near the Arava Junction in the Negev. The incident occurred on a jeeping trip when the jeep they were traveling in overturned. The Bochrim, all in their 20’s learn in Yeshivas Meoros Hatoroh in Telz-Stone. In addition, there are two others who are reported to be in critical condition.

41 Responses

  1. This isn’t a “POSHUTA ZACH!!”
    5 people ( 1 in van accident, 4 here) in ONE day!!!
    Hashem is sending us a sign, SHAPE UP OR SHIP OR SHIP OUT R”L!!!

    Why don’t we take the hint and improve ourselves so these HORRIFIC TRADIGIES COULD COME TO AN END.

    May we be Zocheh to binyin bayis shlishi and b’vias goel tzedek bimiheirah biameinu, AMEN!

  2. בשעה 03:47 דווח למד”א על ג’יפ שהתהפך בשטח פתוח סמוך לצומת הערבה. צוותים שהגיעו למקום קבעו את מותם של ארבעה בני אדם ופינו באמצעות מסוק לבית החולים סורוקה בבאר שבע פצוע באורח אנוש. ממד”א נמסר כי הג’יפ ככל הנראה התהפך בשעות אחר הצהריים אולם אותר רק בשעות הלילה באחד מערוצי נחל פארס. המשטרה פתחה בחקירת נסיבות התאונה.
    Translation: The Jeep was found overturned at 3:47 AM. Apparently, it had turned over in the afternoon, but noone had known. One person transported to hospital in Beer Sheva in critical condition. Hashem Yirachem.

  3. R”L i just spoke to Yossi Landau and he is telling me that they woke him up to travel there with the ZAKA Ambulance to pick the bodies up. Hashem Yerachem

    Chodesh Elul is coming up everyone needs to take these tragedies as a personal wake up call, we can not come to Yom Hadin as the same people we were last year, we have to show Hashem we made some improvements! no more human karbonos please!!!

  5. himmelstein, they were our brothers. does it really make a diff where they lived? the families are suffering, we all ARE suffering. acheinu kol beis yisrael…hashta bizman kariv v’nomar amen.

  6. I have read that if we knew the power of tehillim in Shomayim, we would be saying it constantly. I came up with an idea called TOW. It stands for “Tehillim On Wheels.” When you find yourself in your car, and you are waiting – either waiting as your car is being filled with gas at the gas station, or waiting by the drive through window at your bank, or waiting to pick up children outside their school or camp, or at any other time that you find yourself waiting in your car – instead of doing nothing, take out a Tehillim and start reciting it. Start with Aleph and put a bookmark in at the place you get up to when your waiting time is finished, and next time start from there. In no time at all, you will see that you will complete the entire sefer Tehillim – all while waiting in your car! You can keep in mind Klal Yisroel as a whole when you recite the Tehillim, or you can focus on someone(s) specific who needs a yeshua or refuah – someone who is ill, the captured soldiers in Eretz Yisroel, all our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, someone in need of a shidduch, someone with parnasa problems, someone who is dealing with infertility, someone who is undergoing medical tests at that moment, those who have lost a loved one, etc.
    Just think what an impression this will make in Shomayim!
    TOW will certainly give a “lift” to Hashem and b’ezras Hashem, He will give a “lift” to us!

  7. Great idea Gold – why not lets start it right here and now! With a bit of a twist and just for a limited period to garner support and volunteers. Each one of us should say 2 capitalech each day specifically for acheinu Bnei Yisroel wherever they may be until Rosh Chodesh Elul only.

    I am starting now and my name is on the list – please put your names forward below and start now for the next 10 days or so.

  8. The victims were identified on Tuesday morning as Sinai Shirazi, 20, and his brother Amir, 23, both from Netanya; Gilad Dahari, 26, from Alikin; and Kiryat Ye’arim resident Avi Rosenfeld.
    From The JP.

  9. The victims were identified on Tuesday morning as Sinai Shirazi, 20, and his brother Amir, 23, both from Netanya; Gilad Dahari, 26, from Elyachin; and Kiryat Ye’arim resident Avi Rosenfeld.

    The wounded passenger was identified as a 21-year-old Elad resident.

  10. There is available Tehilim on mp3 (and other media) designed for listening while occupied. The voice simply recites Tehilim so that one can at least listen while the hands/eyes are doing something else.

  11. The victims were identified on Tuesday morning as Sinai Shirazi, 20, and his brother Amir, 23, both from Netanya; Gilad Dahari, 26, from Elyachin; and Kiryat Ye’arim resident Avi Rosenfeld.

    The wounded passenger was identified as a 21-year-old Elad resident.

    taken from the jerusalem post p.s kiryat ye’arim is otherwise known as telzstone. hashem yishmor

  12. #10: A noble, but potentially hazardous, suggestion. I would predict that some folks would either (a) not notice the light turning green, creating delay for others and a possible chilul HaShem because “the Hebrew in front of me is reading rather than driving, (b) retrieve or replace their sefer before the car comes to a complete stop, or while they are removing their foot from the brake, (c) read while driving.

    I have great faith in G-d. I have little faith in the masses’ common sense.

    Everyone is quite concerned with saying Tehillim. Here’s a modest proposal if we want to undertake efforts to “make a difference:” did we speak respectfully to our spouses and parents today, even if we were rushed, impatient, or annoyed? Did we practice even at the most difficult moment the dictum of “do unto others . . ?”

    These tzuros are terrible. The effects are shattering and bewildering. The best we can do is to replicate the good that these people exhibited in their lives.

  13. Wanted to add: Rav Joseph B. Soleveichik zt’t, during a yahrzeit shumes for his father, said that when a person lives, one does not truly appreciate the void they fill in the world. But when that person is niftar, that void is evident and clear for all to see. Perhaps as we move toward Elul we can attempt to fill the gaps of good left by those who have left this world. Did a grandmother refrain from speaking lashon hora? Then let’s “fill in the gap” and become a person who does not speak lashon hora. Did Zeide arrive in shul punctually each morning? Then let’s become that man who arrives in shul on time.

    Just some thoughts during a sobering time.

  14. No one suggested saying Tehillim at a red light. He suggested saying tehillim while PARKED and waiting like at the bank or picking people up.

    It is a good suggestion.

  15. Right, YWN_READER 1. (this is MRS. Gold by the way.) The tehillim is only said when you are in the park mode on your car. I did not suggest to say it by a red light.
    Torah4Me, I will be glad to join in. Whoever is reading this, if you are interested, post the kapitlach that you would like to say till Rosh Chodesh Elul. I will start…I will say from aleph through hey. (If we have time to read this website and post, we should have some time for tehillm, too 🙂

  16. Mrs. Gold, that is truly a great idea.
    May I add one more idea? This requires only a *THOUGHT* process
    In all your daily comings and goings, if you have in mind that you are doing it le’Shaim Shamayim, how much better it will be-
    You are eating – to have strength to do mitzvos
    You are working – so that you can send your children to Yeshivos to learn Torah.
    You are taking care of your children – you are doing chessed with HaShem’s children by clothing/ feeding/ cleaning them
    I don’t remember the source of this, but if you merely keep these concepts in your thoughts as you are seemingly doing ‘mundane’/’gashmiyus’ things, it elevates that action to a higher action.
    May there be no more tzoros in klal Yisroel.

  17. I will repeat myself in this thread to what I said in the previous tread.
    Rabosai, it’s very simple (to me) why in the SUMMER there are more tragedies befalling Klal Yisroel.

    In this past weeks parsha, we read: kei lo al halechem levado yichyeh hadom – ki al kol motzei pi Hashem yechyeh hadam
    (כי על כל מוצא פי ה’ יחיה האדם כי לא על הלחם לבדו יחיה האדם)

    Its Simple: you can take all the vitamins in the world, drink green tea, eat organic food etc., at the end of the day its Hashem who keeps you alive!!!! (of course we have a chyuv of hishtadlus, and ushmartem es nafshoseychem) but the yesoed is, no matter what precautions a man can take, if it’s the ratzon Hashem……He runs the show – EIN OD MILVADO!!!

    In my humble opinion the #1 reason for SUMMER tragedies is becaude hevel peihem shel tinokos shel beis rabon is far much less because of summer vacation. Yes, learning goes on in camps, but nothing like the rest of the other 10 months!!

    The # 2 reason is Bein Hazmanim, when there is less Torah being learned, Klal Yisroel is far more vulnerable to succumb to tragedy RM’L!

    Now don’t get me wrong, kids and especially the dedicated rabayim NEED ‘down time’ to recharge their batteries! Camp, trips, swimming etc is very healthy for all!

    And our heiligeh kollel and beni Torah need a respite to enjoy with their families etc.

    I’m a regular ‘grubeh’ Bal Habus – and sadly my learning is far lacking, BUT may I suggest some kind of way to BOOST Torah learning during theses days? Something like they already have on Motzei Shabbos and on Purim day which BOOST learning when there’s no Yeshiva? Just an idea… any thoughts?

  18. raboisy s’tzures
    ס’איז א שווערע ווינק פין הימעל – ס’קימט אלול, לאמיר צירייסן אלע גזרות רעות

  19. #10: I apologize for my comments which reflected my misunderstanding of your recommendation. By all means, if there is spare time while parked waiting for someone or something, then Tehillim is a most excellent way to fill that time.

  20. Mom 18, your idea is great too! Thanks!
    Telogrok, apology accepted cheerfully! Would you like to say some tehillim every day till Rosh Chodesh Elul? I took upon myself, bli neder, from aleph to hey. Anyone out there want to join in next?

  21. Thanks anonymus..ok who is next in line..we need to cover the whole sefer by Rosh Chodesh Elul!! (is that through yud or till yud?)

  22. One of the “bochurim” was a young avrech from Telzstone. The levaya was this afternoon in Yerushalayim.
    This year has been terrible and Midas Hadin is evident everywhere. In these situations we have to be extra careful with “venishmarten meod”.
    May we only have good news and may these be the final birthpains of Moshiach!

  23. Hello!!! Satmar 26, would you like to say some tehillm l’zecher nishmas your cousin? Please join us..we need starting from yud-aleph. It is only a commitment, bli neder, till Rosh Chodesh Elul. And rbsyid, how about joining in as well to try to avert the Midas Hadin. Pick any amount of kapitlech and post it here ASAP so we can get enough volunteers to cover the whole sefer tehillim. (Again, if you have time to read this website and post on it,you can find a few minutes for tehillim, too 🙂

  24. Sinai and Amir are both my cousins by blood. Are families are struggly with the tremendous loss and we hope that we can get through this. Please pray for the families whom which have suffered a great loss. Thank You all.

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