Reply To: Broken Engagements

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Physical/emotional abuse should be worked through? Often it can’t.

Substance abuse – a friend of mine was in a marriage where her husband was addicted to painkillers. After a year of therapy, she realized his life wasn’t going to change. He was on and off his meds througout that year, trying and ultimately telling her he couldn’t give up drugs for her. That should be worked through?

Lying about anything major in my book is AUTOMATIC ground for divorce in my humble opinion. You take away peoples options when you lie. People have a right to make decisions based on facts, not based on what you want others to percieve. Marriage is not a garment to be tried on and discarded. But you need a foundation of trust and honesty to have a good marriage.

And when people do get divorced, we should support them. There is no need to treat others poorly because you disagree with thier (halachically valid) divorce. We aren’t Catholic.