Reply To: know any frum vegetarians or vegans?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee know any frum vegetarians or vegans? Reply To: know any frum vegetarians or vegans?


Panni55 I’m not sure what caused you to revive a post from 5 months ago just to tell me that. You admitted on the first page that you do it for health reasons- that’s totally fine. What bothers me are vegans who won’t drink milk or eat eggs because the ‘poor animals are being taken advantage of.’ The Torah tells us in no unsure terms that all of nature was created to serve mankind and for us to take advantage of the briah. We are not allowed to abuse animals or harm them without deriving benefit, but vegans who won’t drink milk because they feel bad for the poor cows are very far from seeing the world through the eyes of the Torah and Chazal. Please don’t confuse veganism and vegetarianism. At least the way that it has been explained to me – vegetarianism is a practice; veganism is an ideology. You may define it differently, but let’s not argue symantics.