Reply To: "Dating Early" Kol Koreh- Who's missing?

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Please, fellow single girls, stop worrying about getting married! Once you get married, there are bills to pay, kids to raise, and their shidduchim to worry about… it’s never-ending.

OY! Most older single girls would happily trade all the above not to have to worry about their biological clocks ticking, the fear of never holding their own child, the embarassment of having to dye their hair, lest anyone see them look like an “old maid”, living a life of loneliness, and being the rachmonus case among the marrieds.

Put the both piles on a scale, and see which is the harder to bear peckel. The Tzaros you mention are normal Tzaros, not nearly as humiliating and nearly as depressing Tzaros as the Tzaros of older single girls.

Gimme a break! Thats my rant!

Something must be done!