Reply To: Please Daven For Our Lost Children

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No – I don’t think “how am I going to show my face in shul now?”. I think “how much I wish my son was in Shul with me now as he was when he was younger”. He was and still is, a beautiful Neshoma, just so troubled. When his friend R”L lost his father at age of 7 y.o., my son broke down crying in pain for his friend’s loss. My son used to be the first into Minyan every morning and then he had a terrible year in Yeshiva (where he was exposed to things a child should never hear) and everything fell apart. My thoughts are – deep down he is in so much pain and yearns for his real mission in life and for and closeness to Hashem; yet to my sorrow, he cannot find it. It is as if a person had a child afflicted with a terrible disease, R”L, and the cure was available, but for some reason, the cure could not be made available to the child. How helpless would one feel then? This is how I feel. Hashem Yerachem on all children in such a Matzav and that they all should be brought back B’Karov Mamush to realize and partake of the beauty and radiance of the Torah, Mitzvos and closeness to Hashem.