Reply To: Ah Gutten Erev Shabbos

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Heath, if you have a Piskei Tshuvos (by my chaver tov Rav B.Z. Rabbinowitz), look up s. 271, s”k 6 at foot note 66.

There he brings the shitos both for and against the underlying rule which is the MG”A who holds that we are yoteh kiddush midoraysa in tefilah, since “saying” is all what is requird midoraysa. This is consistent with Reb Akiva Eiger and the Tshuvos HaRarshba (Vol 4, s. 295). The olom follows this MG”A (which is why women who normally may not daven ma’ariv during the week, daven ma’ariv Friday night – to equalize their chiyuv of kiddush with their husband).

The M.B. has issues with the MG”A and RA”E as I noted but that is besides the point.

Also and related, see Be’er Hetev s. 307 s”k 2 and Mishna Brura s”k 5 in name of Shal”ah the ma’alah of saying “shabbata tova” (gut shabbos) – v’ten l’chochom v’yechkam od.

In any event, since we are dealing with a situation of issur dioraysa of chilul shabbos, this is very serious, and one must be machmir rather than laugh off the issue.

This isn’t merely a debate over ego matters or to shtoch someone or be holier than thou.

Be mekabel for your own sake, and if not, at the very least do not let your ego be machshil es harabim to accept your folly.