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Dr. Pepper, that was worth repeating that post!!!! I am still laughing (and crying, because unfortunately there are such shvigers out there), from the last time I rad this.

I remembre posting that someone called me about a shidduch for her son, to enquire about a lovely young lady whom I knew since birth. I was asked all types of really irrelevant questions (what type of jobs do her in-law siblings hold, are her parents calm people (and if they weren’t, would a person who was given as the girl’s personal “reference” answer that?), etc. After patiently answering her foolish questions for almost half an hour, and emphasizing what a sweet, beautiful (inside and out), baalas middos this girl is, this was the only comment she made. “But I heard the girl is very short (true, she is 5′ tall), and I don’t want short grandchildren!”

After mamesh wasting so much of my time on the phone with her, with her mind made up from the outset, all I could think to say was, “How tall or short our children and grandchildren will be is up to the Aibishter. Tall parents have been known to produce short kids, and short parents have had tall ones or any combination thereof. This girl is a special, beautiful, smart, and wonderful girl from a wonderful, loving family. If that’s not what you are looking for, then I guess there is nothing left for me to say. The boy who gets her will be very lucky. Hatzlacha rabbah.” And I hung up.