Reply To: Chinuch


Do you know the reason we dont we Teffillin all day?

Its actually the Halacha to wear them all day.

A stranger walked into a strange town with alot of money. He needed to store the money with someone and he saw a jew wearing Teffillin (It was the Afternoon). He figured he must be a very Ehrich a Yid and could trust him. When the man came back to get his money The person he entrusted it to denied ever receiving it.

He went to the Rav of the town to tell the story and somehow they got the man to admit he had the money.

Afterwards a Tachana was implemented forbidding wearing Tfillin all day for fear of fooling people that they are more frum than they appear.

You can be the biggest Baal Chessed, but if you are Mechalel Shabbos, it doesnt matter and if you commit the greatest Chilul Hashem in society. All your previous good is being thrown down the drain