Reply To: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up

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I see you would only believe that all Jews who look frum and certainly if they have a beard are tzaddikim and therefore they can never do evil so if the papers report about it they must be lying. Sadly we see on a regular basis and it has been going on for millenia but it seems worse in the last few decades that looking frum and being frum are 2 totally different things. Our communities unfortunately have many outwardly lokking frum people who have done terrible things ranging from ponzi schemes that have robbed people of their entire parnassa as to molestors to even murder. You want to pretend its all made up and live in Disneyland go right ahead. But the facts are that things are bad in certain communities because we allow them to be. We cover up for both criminals and perverted cowards who do sick things to children. You want to stick up for a community that runs itself like a satanic cult go right ahead. But there are people like myself and a few others here who will stand up and decry the Chillul Hashem that people who “look holy” are doing. These people pick and choose halacha according to their whim. By them tbere are only 2 dibros. NEVER MAASER ON ONE OF US. AND NEVER COOPERATE WITH TH EVIL AMERICAN GOVT. Its time to stop tolerating the lawlessness that goes on. Its like Chicago in Al Capones days. They use mafia tactics and can put mafia to shame.