Reply To: Why are some Jews against Israel?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Why are some Jews against Israel? Reply To: Why are some Jews against Israel?

m in Israel

This is a huge complex topic that I’m not going to address in this forum. However just to clarify the misconception in your question: no one is against Eretz Yisroel or denies the fact that there are many Mizvos involved in both living and being here. Many do have objections to the State of Israel, and do not necessarily view it as a positive development in Jewish history. Some small groups have hashkafic/ halachic objections to moving to Eretz Yisroel before Yemos Hamashiach.

Many of the groups in Eretz Yisroel with the strongest objections to the State, who take no money from the state, do not participate in elections, etc., are also among the most ardent lovers of the land. Members of many of these groups will not leave Eretz Yisroel for any reason, even missing simchos of relatives, etc., and even avoiding traveling to areas that are “safek Eretz Yisroel”, like Acco or Eilat. Many in these Yerushalmi communities are descendents of those who came to Eretz Yisroel in the period of the “Yishuv Hayashan”, well before the influx of secular Zionists in the WW II era, and before the declaration of the state.