Detroit needs residents. Immigrants want to live in America.
Michael Bloomberg says he’s got a simple solution for both needs — send all new immigrants to Detroit.
In a novel approach to immigration reform, the New York City mayor said Sunday that if he could have his way, he’d use the immigrant workforce to jump-start the Motor City’s economy by requiring Detroit residency.
“The population has left. You’ve got to do something about that,” Bloomberg said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And if I were the federal government, assuming you could wave a magic wand and pull everybody together, you pass a law letting immigrants come in as long as they agreed to go to Detroit and live there for five or 10 years. Start businesses, take jobs, whatever.
“You would populate Detroit overnight because half the world wants to come here,” he said.
Bloomberg has long advocated for changes in immigration policy. He said Sunday that America’s “superpower” status depends on its ability to continue letting immigrants in.
(Source: Fox News)
10 Responses
And evetually you’ll have a city controlled by Sharia because the DPD won’t set foot in their neighborhoods (just like near Paris).
Is he offering to take Detroit’s Jews in return?
a. You can’t wave a magic wand and pull everybody together.
b. If Bloomberg’s ancestors had to move to Detroit, they might have stayed in Europe and he would not have had the opportunities he has enjoyed in America.
Bloomberg should have his head examined. The American people can’t afford to pay for themselves, let alone social security,welfare,medicaid,housing grants, schooling, college tuition grants and a host of other social services. What would be a good idea is to section off an area where we can build factories and allow them to come for two years each, earn some money, get fed and housed with no financial obligations on the American government. They can earn wages slightly higher than in their country and they can’t claim citizenship. They can make goods that we usually import.
Make that “including all the illegals.”
Now that would be ironic; domestic cars built by foreigners.
maybe mayor mike wants to also send the homeless to hawaii so they wont suffer in the cold and housing is in abundance. Could be he just sits around and thinks of shticky things to say to get in the paper
Sorry Mr. Bloomberg but we dont have gatohs in the USA.
Is he for real, or is he trying to out do Donald Trump for the most outrageous and idiotic sound bight of the year?
No. 4: You should have your heart and your arithmetic examined. As to your heart: do you really like the idea of labor camps for persons deemed “foreigners” who would be paid below-market wages and who would be denied the rights of citizens? Does that not sound like something out of central Europe in the 1930’s?
As for your arithmetic: It costs lots of money – including taxpayers’ money – to raise an American child to the point where he/she can become a taxpayer. An immigrant adult can start paying taxes from day 1. Think of them – as Ben Wattenberg does – as “instant adults”. Careful studies by serious and objective economists have established that overall, immigrants are a net plus for the US economy. Packing them into labor camps is abhorrent.