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haifa Two girls become roommates. They each adopt a child. They each have a built-in babysitter.
1- What about the child(ren) not having a live-in male role model issue?
2- What about male companionship that the girls might desire at some point?
Somehow the thought doesnt sit right with me. Either we do our utmost to make adjustments to fix the problem for the future (because for the girls who are already older it seems its too late) or we end up having heartbroken Jewish women living like nuns, who are expected to stay frum even though with the best of intentions, frumkeit hasnt worked for them because within frumkeit they havent been able to achieve their goals and they see that the frum hierarchy hasnt done much to help them out of their misery, either due to lack of power or lack of effort. Not good.
In the years of WW2, American govt. officials and others were despised, and still are, because they sat by while European Jews were being gassed. When they were unaware, they couldnt be blamed. Once they were clearly made aware, they should have bombed the railway stations leading to the crematoriums, etc. Not exactly the same, but there are at least vague similarities.
When you dont know, you dont know, when you do, you do and sufficient analysis, planning and action is expected.
It’s only European Jews…..it’s only a small percentage of frum women who are unable to marry…..it’s bashert…. there’s not much that can be done…..these excuses dont cut it.