Reply To: Who Should be Giving Tochecho to Whom?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Who Should be Giving Tochecho to Whom? Reply To: Who Should be Giving Tochecho to Whom?


Actually Daas Yochid, they do plague the MO community too, to at least some extent. My observation of the experience of it is that in the MO community it is no longer denied, buried, swept under the rug, unreported, whether it is an issue of abuse, corruption, or the like, such as is sometimes done on these discussion boards. That changed in the MO world some twenty years ago or so. It isn’t the issue that is distinctive, it is how it is dealt with. I was talking about the apologists here, ” the answer from some of the biggest critics of MO here invariably is…”, not about every member of the community.

And you are 100% right about the answer to my question. No one should be giving tochecho about worldview and halachic hava aminas and core values between chareidi and MO.