Reply To: Seminary options?


I think you we are mistaking each others’ meanings. When the OP said “yeshivish,” I think she was referring to the spectrum of yeshivish BY seminaries, not b’davka to the far right extreme. (Part of what clued me in was her mention of the “out-of-town type.” The far right extreme and the “out-of-town type” pretty much mutually exclusive.) But also… you did say “BS and MR are…not what i would consider ‘yeshivish,'” which has a very different meaning than “Hadar and Tiferes are way more yeshivish.” Just saying.

Parenthetically, Bnos Sarah is pretty uber-yeshivish. Machon Raaya is a little more OOT-ish. I would put Bnos Sarah on the same tier as Hadar and Tiferes. MR I would not.