Reply To: Two Things to Remember Before You Order Your Palestinian Passport

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farrocks -“You’re a funny camper, Health. You incorrectly insinuate I got my information from the “liberal media” and then you immediately go on to attempt to disprove my point…

May I humbly suggest that you change your reading habits to the American Thinker rather than the Puffington Post?”

The fact that you got this Antisemitic trash from some conservatives in the US doesn’t make it true. I have to sadly admit, even though I’m a conservative, that there are Antisemites on both sides of the political spectrum.

“by quoting a Conservative so-called “rabbi” writing on the most liberal website around.”

If you would have taken the time to read the article before defending yourself -you would have seen his religious association is irrevelant. He is a Rabbi who has thousands of Iranian Jews in his Shul and it bothered him that some liberal Jew wrote the

lie(s) you posted above in the NY Times. He had an interview with this Jew and stated what I posted above.

So the fact that Conservative rags and the NY Times both published this garbage -doesn’t make it in this bit true. Just because you got it from some conservative rag -doesn’t mean you should believe everything you read.

It’s no Chidush to me that when it comes to antisemitism that both the libs and Some conservatives are on the same page.

Wake up & smell the coffee!