Reply To: General Shmooze 3

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#1 – Its not a “crazy life” in a bad way; its more like “mad” or “the bomb” (is that term still in use?)

#2 – the reason that phrase was on the table is we have the Rechnitzer Rejects CD in the car, and they use the “vida loca” tune for the song “he’s a yeshiva bocher” (and my kids thought it was a riot that the real words are to a song which promotes the exact opposite (?) of the life of a yeshiva bocher

#3 – Blinky, had you been this “nerdy, un-with it” person, you’d have said, “a klienfeld gown? Why would I want a gown from the kleinfeld family? I don’t even know them!”

Ok, you may not be the Range Rover, sportfan that Sac is. But somehow, I don’t see you as the frumpy, kensetonia, ears covered type either. You push back too hard when cornered.

If I had to guess, I’d say Honda Oddessy EX-L is your ride, but your more likely to be spotted in H & M, than S & W.

Am I close?