Reply To: A Wife’s Obligation Towards Her Husband & Kids

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This is a message for Mod-88. As another poster mentioned, I am bothered by your post insofar as it seems you’ve already determined/decided that bubka is Joseph and talk to this poster accordingly.

I understand your need to address “Joseph” directly so that he will know that you’ve caught him in the act and hopefully discourage him from posting what you feel to be outlandish posts in the future.

But, unless you are really 100% certain that bubka is Joseph, why can’t you address the poster as “Bubka, Joseph, or whoever you are…” This way no one will assume you’ve confirmed your assumptions. It leaves room for doubt and also lets the poster (if it is in fact Joseph) know that you are alert to his posts and will put a stop to them if you are able.

And if you’re not sure it’s really Joseph and it just bothers you how bubka brought up this very old post and added to it, which is a whole other issue that also bothers me, then you are free to do so, and I hope you will try to keep your posts free of any nasty comments (which I assume are you lashing out in your anger at Joseph).