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Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus Reply To: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus

lebidik yankel

I looked carefully at the Rashi in Bereshis and the Machzor Vitri. I also examined other rishonim that talk about that pasuk in Bereshis. It seems there are two ways of reading the pasuk: 1. In G-d’s form Man was created. 2. Man was created with a form, or a mold. Some Rishonim explain the first way, others, the second (see Rashbam and Chizkuni) The Rashi can be read either way. The simple reading is like the former, the Mizrachi and Levush explain that he meant the latter.

Rashi elsewhere – in avos, as quoted, and in devarim where he explains “killilas Elokim taluy” does say pretty clearly that man is created in G-d’s actual image. The Machzor Vitry seems to me to be underscoring that and saying that the previously quoted reading of the Rashbam and Chizkuni are wrong.

Ok, so there are two readings of the text. Lets go with the one saying that man is created in G-d’s actual image. Does that mean that G-d has athlete’s foot, as man does? Of course not. All it means is that there is some correlation – physical or spiritual between man and G-d. For instance: Man is physically created in the same form as G-d takes spiritually.

I see no indication – none at all – that G-d has any physical form.