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Waive off that Rashi? How in the world do you see that in rashi? Do you see one word about guf? Does Rashi say that Adam had the same physicality as G-d, chalila? All I see is Bedefus Hasuy shelanu shelanu, that all creations were created with maamer and adam biyidayim. Whyh does Rashi have to say that, let him come out and say your pshat? Don’t you think it is Fascinating that the Ramban explicitly says on this pasuk that Hashem has no guf, but doesn’t bring this Rahi. Have you ever seen a Ramban in Chumash where he vehemently disagrees with Rashi, and doesn’t mention him? If you wish pick any translation of that rashi from a ny publishing house, post it and show me where Rashi says what you say he does. Or if you want show this Rashi to any reasonably accepted Rav within any orthodox community and see if he sees what you say.

As to R’ Moshe Taku (Honestly, I never heard of him before), where is the original source? (As an aside where is that letter?)

As to why I can’t accept that notion that our great rishonim believed it, it is becuase it is not a great theological error, it is the error of the simpleton. The great debate was whether we can refer to Hashem with the lashon of tzelem.

Since you seem to play this attack game on why I believe what I believe here goes: Just because you have a desire to prove to yourself that you can think outside the box, that doesn’t make ir right. Always trying to think differently than the accepted mesorah is just as closed minded.

With all your arguments you have not shown one source that said Hashem had physicality, or a “body” as you put it. Just one source please, not speeches, arguments, attacks, just one source please.