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heres another.

a man used to make the trip to and from the nearby town everyday in order to do business. he was newly married, and as it was shana rishona, his wife would accompany him on his travels. one day his usually faithfully horse stopped in the middle of the road and wouldnt budge. he screamed and kicked (the farmer) but the horse wouldnt listen. he got off the wagon holding his whip, and gave it to the horse good. after a sound beating, the farmer looked the horse in the eye and said,”Horsey, thats one!” life continued as usual until the horse didnt listen once again. and once again the farmer showed it who was boss, and ended hs beating with “Horsey, thats two!” vichulihu. the third time this behavior occured, tha farmer got off the wagon, went around the side for his shotgun, walked over to the horse and said, “Horsey, thats three!” and promptly blew his head off. The young wife was understandably horrified. as the man returned to the wagon she asked him,” How could you possibly kill your faithful horse so coldly?!” the man looked his wife straight in the eye, and answered,”Wifey, thats one!”