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Now, if you all got off your idealist podium, you would realize that dollars are more important than social issues. You would understand the Gedolim of our times. The ends of Dollars and Kollel outweigh the means of staying or leaving the government, as well as voting for someone who will allow Toeivah marriage (R”L).

NO Shaychus!! Israel’s political system is completely different. In Israel the Gedolim have their own political parties, but in order to have any sort of say in the government they have to make coalitions with other parties. They don’t tell people to vote for Netanyahu, they tell people to vote for Shas, and Shas joins Netanyahu because the Leftists are Ochrei Yisrael. You can’t make a limud from the Israeli Parliament system to American 2-party politics. There’s not an ounce of sense to what you are saying, and you really should refrain from putting your own words in the mouths of Gedolim.