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a) If I buy a program, I have now the rights to do what i like with it – think of a guy who buys a light for the top of his candle, and the seller doesn’t let him light any other candles. He smiles and lights twenty five candles. No problem in halacha. Once i have bought something, it become mine.

In Jewish, we call it a ????.

And if one uses something he purchased in a way that isn’t halachicly allowed, in Jewish we call it a ??

And there is definitely no ????? for me to go to somebody with a candle and ask him to light it for me – no matter where he got it from.

So there is clearly no issur to copy a sefer, book, CD, program or anything else that someone else has purchased. There is also no issur to make multiple copies and sell them for your own profit. Patents can likewise be ignored, and the patented item copied and sold with halachic impunity.

b) Even if the Jewish music manufacturers have started using ????? and not-whats, the Adobe Corporation haven’t. And as far as i know, clicking ‘Terms and conditions apply’ is not halachically binding. And even if it is, i don’t think this will affect anything.

c) It isn’t ????? or ????? to copy, because there is nothing. Like there is no problem of ????? of the ?? ???? – or … if we are digital – because it is a ??? ???? ?? ???, so to there is nothing to steal. I clicked a button; that is not a ???? ?????.

One isn’t yotzeh a brocha over the phone. Does this mean that loshon hora over the phone isn’t a problem?

d) After ????, let’s take on that the ???? is halachically binding [even though it is not – not for now – that will be for whoever bought the program and uploaded it online. I don’t need to keep to YOUR ?????.

What a great piece of logic! From now on, I’ll buy anything I want and then let a family member violate all purchase conditions. Conversely, I’ll have my wife buy Artscroll’s latest sefer and start running off copies myself!

I’ll sell the list of customers the bank I work at maintains to competitors (indirectly, of course, so I don’t violate any job-related tenaim).

I’ll sell the latest nuclear technology my firm has developed to North Korea!

It falls far short of that, however. It is merely an endorsement of genaiva, sheker, chilul H-shem and who knows what else.

Is there even one posek who accepts the claims and hetairim you made above?

I find your post disgusting, and to me personally it is a chilul H-shem that a frum person could not only think that way but actually try to get others to act shelo ka’halacha.


yekke2’s comments are halachicly correct and sound.

What’s your basis for saying this?

May I have your social security number? and your bank account number? If not, is there a halachik problem if I get them myself?