Reply To: Shlomo Carelbach

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ROB, a couple of things. One, I am not part of the oilem that sweeps molestation under the carpet. The mindset of keeping these things and other transgressions quiet – for various reasons – is one of the most poisonous dangers facing frum communities today.

What I shared was my personal challenge with appreciating R’ Shlomo’s greatness while recognizing what I believe to have been his grave challenges. I did not ask or tell anyone to agree with me. I am not bringing anything unknown, and I am not doing anything other than expressing my own perspective.

We have been on the same side of too many arguments in the CR where we have been told what and how to think by too many participants for me to believe that you are telling me I can’t have my own opinion even if it is at variance with yours.

I have, B’H, in my life had the opportunity to know and interact with many great men and women, Rabonim and gedolim like the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt’l and the Bobover Rebbe z’tl, R’ Noach Weinberg zt’l, Prime Ministers and Presidents like Rabin, Peres, Bibi, Olmert and Sharon, 4 Canadian Prime Ministers, cabinet ministers, numerous Generals, one US President, and dozens more inspiring leaders. I have rarely encountered a leader and influencer who is so close to perfect that they do not have a challenge, or a mis step or mis speak. For some, the challenges are almost inconsequential compared to their gadlus or their accomplishments. For others, the challenges are larger, and they call into question the legitimacy of the individual’s capacity to inspire.

As I said, I don’t know where exactly R’Shlomo is on that continuum, but I am convinced by what I have learned (He lived in my city for a while, his daughters were born and went to school here) that there is – for me – what to be concerned about.