Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?


rabbiofberlin -“I don’t know why I bother- it is as if we are speaking two languages-without translation- or live on different planets.”

Simple -because you think you’re right and Zionists keep trying to manipulate e/o else that they’re right.

“health- again- can you show me one- just one- sefer halacha that mentions the sholosh shevuos as psak halacha?”

Again, the Satmar Rebbe zt’l says it’s Ossur and a so-called “Rabbi” from Berlin, Germany says he’s wrong.

Perhaps your deduction is No deduction? Perhaps the Rebbe zt’l knew a little more Halacha than you? But keep stamping your feet saying -“there is no such thing as 3 Shuvous -it’s just something that was made up to vilify the “holy” Medina!

“as far as your imaginary friends that we could just hand over the medinah- have you been following the world news these past -oh,thirty years- do you know what has been happening in every arab country with other minorities? the bahai and X-ians are murdered in iraq, the copts are persecuted in egypt, look what happened to the maronites in lebanon…and how about those wonderful turks taht you trust- cyprus is still divided, the X-ians in turkey feel very uneasy…”

This paragraph is an old manipulation trick. I mentioned Turkey and you started with other countries. Noone said to have other countries take over. And what did you say about Turkey? The minorities “feel uneasy”. Are you aware of the Jewish bloodshed that was and is being caused by the Medina? Are you aware of the deaths and permanent disabilities of Jews since the start of Zionism? They caused the terrible Sinah of the Arabs on Jews, by making a Medina. About 99.9% of this bloodshed could have been prevented if the Zionists didn’t do what they did.

“in short- it has nothing to do with the leaders of the medina- we are in a time when radical islam is ascendant and wants to purge purge itself of all minorities- so, thank you, but I will not trust six million jews to your good wishes and your imaginary friends.”

Lies and more lies. It has everything to do with the Medina and Zionism. And of course, you trust and put your life in the hands of the Zionists. Because who else can you and your Tzioni friends trust – G-d????