Reply To: Are you a Zionist?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are you a Zionist? Reply To: Are you a Zionist?


Wow, to hear such words from one who purports to be Jewish and Shomer Mitzvos!!!

Your blaming of Israel for all the problems of the Middle East makes you a Malshin. Your proposal to take millions of Jews who enjoy some sovereignty and submit them to the sovereignty of any non Jewish state makes you a Moser.

Perhaps we are Mehuyav to tear kriah upon such words, just like they tore kriah on the words of Ravshaka.

Fortunately such Chutzpa against the Jewish People does not flow in my shul or in any shul in my city.

Such Chutzpa against the Jewish People is in effect chutzpa against He who chose the Jewish people.

Blaming Israel for all the problems of the Middle East is the Blood Libel of the 21th Century.