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letmyvoicebeheard -“Most of us ended up in detox centers, and rehabs, sometimes more than once. And a few of us passed away from drugs.

All we ever were searching for was acceptance.”

Now for some this might be true -for others it’s not. There are a lot of reasons people end up addicted. Almost all addicts feel that it’s not their fault. Sometimes it’s not and sometimes it is.

But whatever the reason, there is no excuse to remain this way.

I’ve worked with addicts and you can break free, if you really want to. You can do this with at least a three-pronged approach.

Get a medical professional that deals with addicted substances. If for example, you’re addicted to Narcs, find s/o who prescribes Subloxone. Most Detox centers are still in the caveman times giving out Methadone, which isn’t too effective. The next step is to join either something like NA or AA. Also going to a therapist who deals with addicts is very helpful. And third or fourth (if you’re gonna do everything till now) is till leave all friends that you have now behind. It’s time for a new set of friends. This is because this will help you break the psych part of the addiction. You are Not abandoning them. You are doing this now to help yourself. You’ll return to be a counselor to them after you have been clean for a few years; and you’ll teach them how to do what you’ve done. G-luck and take my advice very seriously -your life might depend on it!

PS.- If this doesn’t apply to you now -you can show it to others that it does apply to.