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The point of davening is to get closer to Hashem and make a bond with Him. you actually get schar for asking. yes even if you dont get what you want the fact that you turn to Hashem and ask for things makes it show that you realize THE ONE AND ONLY source for everything is Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

By you turning to Him and showing that you rely on Him it make s that conncection and brings you closer to Him. When you bring yourself closer to him it opens the wellsprings of bracha to come flow onto you and makes you recieve.

There are many reasons why we might not get what we ask for. Sometimes Hashem says, Sheifala, you don’t realize it but in the long run that may not be the best for you. Other times Hashem wants you to get even greater than you are asking for and the more you have to ask and the longer and harder it is the greater your tefilos will be and the result in the end may be greater than you ever would have imagined.

I suggest starting a very simple short learning session on davening. “Praying with fire” I found to be amazing, as it is a short lesson a day and has tremendously improved my davening although I have a massively far way to still go. But my davening is not the same.


I recently experienced a situation where I cried my heart out for Hashem to just answer my tefilla. I couldn’t understand why Hashem wasn’t answering me with the kavana I had thrown into those tefilos… believe me, I never thought it was possible to daven like that till I did it! And yet I felt unanswered and ignored. Soon after I realized that I was being answered and I had let it slip right under my nose. i can’t go into more details but MAN, WAS I ANSWERED!!

I daily struggle with different things, petty, and life size, and day in day out I daven hard and sometimes it feels like… Hashem where are you this time?????

BUT I KNOW HE IS THERE AND LISTENING!!! I picture a string attaching me at my heart to the Kisai Hakavod and I just think, ok, at least I am getting a direct kesher with the highest protexia. Thats the main thing anyhow. And Hashem answers, just in different ways and different times and different expressions than we may have pictured.

Hatzlacha…. May Hashem answer all your tefilos L’toivah!