Reply To: IDEA: Let the 100,000 attendees at the Siyum Hashas

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Honestly I had decided not to get into debate since I see that there is a total lack of kvod hatorah, and I will not further debate the issue, I would like to share a very powerful story.

A yid went of the derech he sined the worst posible sins, his lifestyle was totaly secular he married a goy etc..

He met his rebbi whom many years before was his rebbi, upon seeing his state of yiddeshkeit, the rebbi exclaimed how did u fall so low?! The fellow answered BUT REBBI I HAVE MANY QUISTIONS ON YIDDESKEIT, the rebbi answered, first you sinned then you had the quistions.

If you understand the story and the point good-if not then as reb chaim brisker said, nebach an apikoras is uber oich an apikores.