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If the only men in the world available to your daughters were the sons of Moshe Rabeinu and the sons of Korach….”

FTR, the sons of Korach did teshivah and were saved. No?

And to answer Kozov, I still do not accept that the worst Jew is better than the best Goy. Not if his worst is REALLY heinous. It might be better to BE the lowest Jew (economically, socially, and educationally than the best Goy, but I don’t think that’s what was meant, though I could be wrong. And though we believe that Af al pi shechatah, Yisroel hu, depending on the cheit, he could be chayav kareis, and the Goy could be going to his chelek in olam haba whatever that is. I just don’t believe we should be so full of ourselves that we say stuff like “the worst Jew…” etc.) Hashem made Bnei Noach before us, and they also are rewarded for their 7 mitzvos.