Reply To: When a child eats traif.

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Oomis, surely you are aware that the quality of a Jew doesn’t only lie in his potential. Consider for example the statement of our sages “maaminim ubnei maaminim” or “af al pi shechata yisroel hu” (though these things also have to do with potential). There is a bigger picture you are ignoring or missing. And that doesn’t mean action is inconsequential and that goyim have no significance. Shmoel wasn’t talking about that. There may be cases where someone gets his soul cut off entirely as people have suggested and sourced here, i’m not sure, but on the most part even a Jew rasha goes to gehinnom and then goes to gan eden, as opposed to a goy. The eternity of the Jewish reflects this deeper reality than you seem to be expressing. We all share the same soul root, thats why perfect tzaddikim like the Arizal said viduy, its the essence of ahavas yisroel and the reason for kol yisroel areivim ze laze and that explains why choosing Jews isnt unfair because they were not chosen in a lottery but rather they originally come from a higher realm than the physical. That is why so many things. This concept has so many ramifications and is so integral to Judaism. Its quite ridiculous to say that Shmoel was intending to argue with your point about a wicked Jew’s actions being filth compared to a goy’s. I also struggle to understand some of these value scales and notions but since its what our sages tell us i try to understand it, and its not as intuitivelly challenging as you make it sound. Again, you challenge Shmoel as if its an argument but you’re really discussing two different points.