Reply To: When a child eats traif.

Home Forums Family Matters When a child eats traif. Reply To: When a child eats traif.


takahmamash -“Why? It’s up to the parents to supervise the kid and watch what the kid eats. It’s certainly not the fault of a 7 year old! The situation in the OP could have been prevented it the parents had been paying attention. We’ve gone to many events that included food with family members who are not frum, and we’ve never had this problem.”

I was responding to this case -Obviously Not in General. This case -the parents could Not supervise their kid(s). I didn’t like the fact that some posters presumably felt that the kid should be punished for her behavior.

“You make it sound like they MUST make a choice between one or the other. They don’t.”

Like I just said -in this case this is their only choice.

If supervision was possible -this topic would never have started!