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PHOTOS: Two Teens Drown In Northern Israel; 7 Others Swim To Safety

Two teenagers were pronounced dead after they had gone missing Sunday in the fishponds at Kibbutz Osha, near Kiryat Ata in the North. The youths, aged 15, were from a close-by village.

Police explained that nine youths, aged around 15-years-old, arrived at a fish farming pool at Kibbutz Osha and boarded a raft on the edge of the pool. At a distance of 15 meters away from the pool’s edge, the raft flipped over, sending all youths into the water. Seven of the teens swam out of the water, while the other two had remained unaccounted for.

A large search team, including dozens of United Hatzolah Volunteers searched the area for a few hours, until they were found.

Police divers located the bodies of the two teens separately, the first in the waters where the youths had been playing, and the second in an irrigation reservoir located at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan.

As we post this article, highly credible sources tell YWN Israel that the teens are Arabs, and Chevra Kaddisha services are not needed.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Eli Gefen – YWN Israel)

29 Responses

  1. Very important last sentence there, makes the whole story not newsworthy and allows us all to say a huge Boruch H-shem. I remember a similar news story a few years ago in a respected frum newspaper that reported on many members of a family being nebech killed in a car crash, which was reported elsewhere to be an arab family. May H-shem protect all Klal Yisroel.

  2. REPLY TO #1 How dear you say “Very important last sentence there, makes the whole story not newsworthy and allows us all to say a huge Boruch H-shem.” Arabs are still hashems creations doesent matter ! They have familys too ! How would you like it if chas visholom if a family member drowned? I hope you understand that even though they were arabs they still we still don’t have to be happy ! IF YOU HAVE SOMTHING RUDE TO SAY KEEP IT TO YOURSELF !

  3. I’m not here to lash anyone. my heart also stopped till the last sentence. However looking at a different perspective I feel it’s important and newsworthy as you’re well aware many different sects read the news including this site and a picture is worth more than a thousand words. The picture above of Hatzola, and many charedi jews helping searching at a scene of arab misfortune says alot. Am Yisroel Chai!

  4. (hi tolly) everyone what is going on is a website like yeshiva world which the whole world can access really your outlet for your anti-arab grievances?
    Arabs are G-D’s creation too as much as christians and cow’s, dogs and all other animals!
    So if one died that is what G-D obviously wanted

    Stop writing all your rubbish here NO ONE IS INTERESTED
    there i said it so no one else need’s to

  5. To tzadikim #2 & 3. They are Hashem’s creatures who happen to be at war with us. They rejoice or at least understand when their fellow Arabs slit childrens’ throats in Itamar. No need to get all emotional.

  6. As soon as it reported from a nearby VILLAGE, it was assumed that the youths were Arabs. Jews live in cities, moshavim, communities, never heard of a Jewish village. BTW this is a wake up call as the weather warms up, prepare our children for swimming lessons or life jackets.

  7. Although they are Arabs and I’m happy they died I think It’s a huge Kiddush Hashem that Hatzalah came to the seen

  8. YenteMonkey your name fits you well because just like a monkey you are repeating nonsense. How can you say that about animals and children of animals to whom human life means nothing –the fact that they demonstrate over and over again. They would smash the head of one of their own children and then say Israelis did it. Please fix your brain before you end up on the wrong side of reality!
    And, a pushat yid, arabs are not teens, they are arabs – infants, teens, children, adults, senior citizens, the less of them the better if you know what i mean = we should not differentiate. They don’t…If you are kind to the cruel, you will end up being cruel to the kind. I DON’T BELIEVE THAT I AM SEEING SUCH IDIOTIC REMARKS DESPITE ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON. THERE ARE PEOPLE STILL IN THE HOSPITAL FROM THE LAST OF THESE BEUTIFUL KIND PEOPLE’S ACTIONS!!

  9. #2, recall a few weeks earlier the Itamar Massacre, and how the arabs were handing out candy in the streets, rejoicing over the 5 family members that were killed. I have absolutely no sympathy or pity, and I wholeheartedly agree with #1.

    So please keep your leftist, liberalist comments to yourself!

  10. #18, that only applies to Malochim butwe sang Oz yoshir and we must sing and praise Hashem when our enemies get killed

  11. To
    Give Me a Break

    and any other “Chachomim.” Hashem said that statement to the melachim who wanted to sing Shira, but Klal Yisroel has every right to sing Shira when their enemies drown and in fact as the Torah reports, Moshe and Klal Yisroel sang Az Yashir.

    Im certainly not happy Arab kids drowned and I dont understand how anyone can be happy. They are still people and until we know otherwise, we can assume they were not evil and therefore should feel bad that they drowned and that a family lost their children. No I wont shed any tears, but I most certainly wont rejoice either although I am glad it wasnt a Yiddish Neshama that drowned.

  12. I didn’t notice #1 rejoicing in the death of Arab teens. He said Baruch Hashem that it wasn’t Yidden, and I’ll join him: Baruch Hashem that it wasn’t Jewish teens. Thank You for protecting us.

  13. Guys, I’m far from being a liberal, but in all honesty #7 said it best.

    That said, being that it is natural to mourn the loss of your own more than those of other, I think it would have been correct for the reporter to have mentioned in the title that the teens were Arabs. It least then people could feel sorry for the parents without feeling the deep pain that we feel for our own brothers.

  14. A minor detail missing:
    These kids were trespassing and had no right to be near the pond – which is filled with recycled water and is not fit for drinking. (According to the local Hebrew press.)

  15. Just to add one more point – It is interesting that when an Arab drowns, Jews run to try to save him. And yet, I highly doubt the same energy would be expended by our Arab cousins for our kids. In fact, I would not at all be surprised if they saw one of ours drowning and would clap and cheer instead of trying to save him.

    There is a Female Pro-Israeli Arab Activist (who name I forget) who stated in an interview that she was taught to hate Jews as a kid, but when she was submitted to the hospital and saw how the Jews treated her with same concern as they did for other Jews she totally changed her opinion of Jews and now works to fight the anti-Semitic amongst her people. (Note: she also stated that she knew that if it was the other way around (I.E. a Jewish kid in an Arab hospital) things would have ended much differently.)

  16. I think it definitely deserves to be news. How many Jewish families don’t teach their children to swim? Instead it’s merely ‘learned away’ to mean teach them Torah. As this story shows, kids will be kids, and if they can’t swim they are literally at risk of death. Hopefully, this will be a teachable moment for all the Jews living around there who haven’t yet taught their kids to swim.

  17. #13 I will reserve my comments on what I think about the situation because I think you are totally right. You guys have no idea how much traffic Yeshiva World gets. According to my calculations it is probably around 50k visitors a day and many are not frum and many are not Jewish. So we have to be careful what we say.

  18. “Ma’asai tav’a bayam, v’atem omrim shirah?”. This was a claim on the malachim not on B’nei Yisroel. Malachim can do only one shlichus. Therefore the criticism “how can you say Hallel at this time. Humans are capable of two simultaneous emotions. We can sing shirah AND feel bad for the loss of life.

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