Reply To: Psak Halacha on Internet Access

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

and now if i may qoute one of the organizers of the event

“it was a disaster”

I rest my case.

It was not a disaster, b”H, not even close. Thousands of people have already installed filters (1200 customers cancelled their Verizon Mobile data service within a few days, as told to me by a local rov) and aside from the thousands the Ichud claims in the paper to have been assisted in installing a filter, many more thousands did so without help from the Ichud. For example, a friend of mine asked for advice in how to put in a filter. I was unable to help him because he needs a certain type of connection, so he called TAG, but most people can figure it out on their own ot with help from a friend.

Your laughing in someone’s face because one NASI ad generated 1700 calls was not well thought out, IMO (I’ll assume that you meant it metaphorically and won’t repeat someone’s mussar shmuez to you). To sign up for the NASI project, one needs to contact NASI. To get a filter, or get rid of the internet altogether (which many have b”H done) one does not need to call TAG. 1700 is amazing, considering that many people don’t even need them!

Two different local rabbonim have told me that the asifa was a major success (one called it a “smashing success”).

The message is getting out there , properly, loud and clear. The fact that internet was made into such a b’dieved is a great thing. Even those who have it will exercise much more caution than had the asifa been about comparing J-net to K-9.

May your case rest in peace.